This table allows for the definition of MPI qualifier codes. Each MPI qualifier code represents an external system identifier (ID) that defines a unique ID for that system. Essentially it represents the HL7 assignment authority concept.
Each record in this table represents a single MPI qualifier code. Typical use of this table is to create a system ID for each EMR and HIS system that will send data through the FASTdata concentrator interfaces.
The MPI qualifier code is used by several logic rule sets in the system. The FO_MPI table is the central patient cross reference table where an MPI Qualifier Code is cross referenced to outside patient IDs. The FO_IF_Translations table allows the user to translate external parameter, or maintenance, values based on qualifier code values.
Field | Type | Notes |
MPI_Qualifier_ID |
int |
ID field, a counter. Unique |
Qualifier |
varchar(50) |
Enter a unique qualifier code. |
EntryGroupCode |
varchar(50) |
Entry group code if one is assigned to this qualifier. Enter a valid group code. |
Description |
varchar(255) |
Name or description of this qualifier code. |
DefaultProviderCode |
varchar(50) |
Default provider code if an external entry is received and a cross reference is not found in the FO_IF_Translations table. Enter a valid provider code. |
DefaultClientCode |
varchar(50) |
Default client code if an external entry is received and a cross reference is not found in the FO_IF_Translations table. Enter a valid client ID. |
DefaultPtLocCode |
varchar(50) |
Default patient location code if an external entry is received and a cross reference is not found in the FO_IF_Translations table. Enter a valid patient location code. |
DefaultInsuranceCode |
varchar(50) |
Default insurance code if an external entry is received and a cross reference is not found in the FO_IF_Translations table. Enter a valid insurance code. |
DefaultTestCode |
varchar(50) |
Default test code if an external entry is received and a cross reference is not found in the FO_IF_Translations table. Enter a valid test code. |
DefaultBillToCode |
varchar(50) |
Default bill to long code if an external entry is received and a cross reference is not found in the FO_IF_Translations table. Enter a valid bill to long code. Valid long codes are: Client Your Office Insurance Skilled Nursing Worker's Comp. Insurance (Non Skilled) Medicare A (Skilled) Auto Accident Not Specified Patient/Guarantor Cash Payment No Charge Skilled Nursing Auto Accident |
DoNotAllowEditPtLoc |
bit |
Bit field to determine if patient location code can be edited for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = allow edit of patient location on the order screen 1 = do not allow edit of patient location on the order screen |
CreateDate |
datetime |
Date record was created. Informational |
EditDate |
datetime |
Date record was edited. Informational |
EditUserName |
varchar(50) |
User who created record. Informational |
SendProviderOnInterface |
bit |
Informational (any more info to add here?) |
RequiresExternalEpisodeID |
bit |
Bit field to determine if external episode ID is required for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = external episode ID is not required 1 = external episode ID is required Works with permission chkmpireqcv [Orders Module]. |
UseForCDCOutboundProcessing |
bit |
Bit field to determine if CDC Outbound processing is used for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = do not use CDC Outbound processing 1 = use CDC )utbound processing Client-level definitions are defined in the FO_CDC_Outbound_Filter table. |
MPIType |
varchar(50) |
Informational (any more info to add here?) |
RequiresClientPtID |
bit |
Bit field to determine if ClientPtId, the Clnt Pt ID field, on the order screen is required for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = ClientPtId is not required 1 = ClientPtId is required |
DoNotAllowEditProvCode |
bit |
Bit field to determine if provider code can be edited for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = allow edit of provider code on order screen 1 = do not allow edit of provider code on order screen if field is populated If this value is 1 and if the provider code is blank on the order screen, user can enter and modify a provider code and save the record. Once the record has been saved, no additional edits can be made to the provider code on the order screen. |
DoNotAllowEditClientCode |
bit |
Bit field to determine if client ID can be edited for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = allow edit of client ID on order screen 1 = do not allow edit of client ID on order screen if field is populated If this value is 1 and if the client ID is blank on the order screen, user can enter and modify a client ID and save the record. Once the record has been saved, no additional edits can be made to the client ID on the order screen. |
DoNotAllowEditClientPtID |
bit |
Bit field to determine if ClientPtId, the Clnt Pt ID field, can be edited for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = allow edit of ClientPtId on order screen 1 = do not allow edit of ClientPtId on order screen if field is populated If this value is 1 and if the field is blank on the order screen, user can enter and modify a ClientPtId and save the record. Once the record has been saved, no additional edits can be made to the ClientPtId on the order screen. |
DoNotAllowEditExternalEpisodeID |
bit |
Bit field to determine if ExternalEpisodeId can be edited for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = allow edit of ExternalEpisodeId on order screen 1 = do not allow edit of ExternalEpisodeId on order screen if field is populated If this value is 1 and if the field is blank on the order screen, user can enter and modify an ExternalEpisodeId and save the record. Once the record has been saved, no additional edits can be made to the ExternalEpisodeId on the order screen. |
RequiresReqID |
bit |
Bit field to determine if ReqId, requisition ID, is required for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = ReqId is not required 1 = ReqId is required |
DoNotAllowEditReqID |
bit |
Bit field to determine if ReqID can be edited for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = allow edit of ReqID on order screen 1 = do not allow edit of ReqID on order screen if field is populated If this value is 1 and if the field is blank on the order screen, user can enter and modify a ReqID and save the record. Once the record has been saved, no additional edits can be made to the ReqID on the order screen. |
UpdatePatientExternalVisits |
bit |
Bit field to determine if Patient External Visits table, FO_Patient_External_Visits, is updated for this MPI Qualifier. Enter 0 or 1 0 = do not update Patient External Visit Table 1 = update Patient External Visit Table |
ExcludeFromMPIPtMatching |
bit |
Bit field to determine if MPI Qualifier is excluded from patient matching. Enter 0 or 1 0 = use in patient matching 1 = exclude from patient matching Future Use |
ReTriggerODCResultsPrecedingOrder |
bit |
Bit field to determine if ODC result messages is retriggered if it originally was sent before order messages. Enter 0 or 0 = result messages are not retriggered 1 = result messages are retriggered if order message was sent after initial result message |
PreserveCollDatePtPresents |
bit |
Bit field to determine if MPI Qualifier should preserve the collection date in message the first time a TDC/CDC order is opened, when processed in patient presents workflow. Enter 0 or 1 0 = do not preserve collection date 1 = preserve collection date |
PreserveCollDateSpecPresents |
bit |
Bit field to determine if MPI Qualifier should preserve the collection date in message the first time a TDC/CDC order is opened, when processed in specimen presents workflow. Enter 0 or 1 0 = do not preserve collection date 1 = preserve collection date |
SendForeignOBR2OnLISOutbound |
bit |
Bit field to determine if MPI Qualifier should send foreign OBR2 value in LIS Outbound interface. Enter 0 or 1 0 = do not send foreign OBR2 value 1 = send foreign OBR2 value |
UsePtLocFromExtVisits |
bit |
Bit field to determine if MPI Qualifier uses the patient location from external visits. Enter 0 or 1 0 = do not use patient location from external visits 1 = use patient location from external visits |
ICD9CodingMethod |
varchar(50) |
ICD10CodingMethod |
varchar(50) |
RequireProvNPIonSubstitution |
bit |
Instructs interfaces to use Provider NPI codes on SWAP logic. |
TimeZone |
varchar(50) |
ApplyParentFillerIdsToAutoOrders |
bit |
SourceSystemFacilityID |
varchar(50) |
Source system facility ID or HID. Enter a valid facility ID or HID. Helps discriminate an order by the HID from which it originates. |